Sunday, February 6, 2011


Watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson give his lecture on human intelligence and the mere 1%-2% human-chimpanzee genetic disparity, I had a bit of an epiphany. The objective meaninglessness of life, at least right now, for some reason, bothers me no more. I have reälized that there is nothing wrong with our illogical urges with regards to existence in general, which is, in a nutshell, my own weird way of paraphrasing and accepting existentialism. The meaning of life is not necessarily nothing, but rather what we make of it. I nominally intellectually understood this before, but the reälization reälly hits me fully now. Similarly to how there is, despite what sociëty says, nothing wrong with e.g. homosexuality or sex in general or other taboo subjects, there is likewise legitimately nothing wrong with enjoying existence, or wanting to survive or be fruitful and multiply or do whatever it is that humans and all other animals do that has gotten us to where we are, despite the inherent illogicality of such compulsions and behaviors.