Saturday, January 10, 2009


OK, as I've previously mentioned, my 2 GB USB key got washed twice on accident, but it still works.

Now, I'll admit that I'm a bit sketchy on my knowledge on how flash memory works, but I have discovered a side-effect of the washing--some of my files actually got scrambled. It may be due to moisture inside the key causing data to be read differently, or maybe it somehow got scrambled, I don't know. But all the music files that were stored on it have strange skips, and my text documents that were on it have bits of gibberish interspersed with the original text.

It doesn't really bug me, since I need to get a new, bigger flash drive anyway, and I had all these files backed up in one place or another, but it certainly is hilarious to me that the USB key itself is still fully functional, but the files got physically changed.

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